Home Nvidia debuts Earth-2 platform for enhanced climate forecasting

Nvidia debuts Earth-2 platform for enhanced climate forecasting

Nvidia today introduced its Earth-2 cloud platform at the GTC 2024 event in San Jose, California, aimed at advancing global climate change predictions through AI-powered simulations. According to VentureBeat, the platform, which was first mentioned in 2021, has now reached full operational status.

During a keynote address, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang highlighted Earth-2’s role in addressing the frequent occurrence of climate disasters such as droughts, hurricanes, and floods. The Earth-2 platform, according to Huang, offers APIs that enable large-scale simulation and visualization of weather and climate data, providing a tool to better prepare for and mitigate the effects of extreme weather events.

The technology behind Nvidia’s Earth-2

Earth-2 relies on a combination of Nvidia’s CUDA-X microservices software and AI models, including the CorrDiff generative AI model. This integration allows for simulations that are both faster and more energy-efficient than traditional numerical models. Rev Lebaredian, Nvidia’s vice president of simulation, underscored the economic impact of extreme weather, which results in $140 billion in losses annually, and the need for detailed, kilometer-scale simulations to effectively address this challenge.

One of the first organizations to utilize Earth-2 is Taiwan’s Central Weather Administration, which aims to use the platform’s models to improve typhoon forecasting and evacuation planning. Additionally, Earth-2’s capabilities are being extended through integration with Nvidia Omniverse, enabling users to develop 3D workflows that incorporate actual weather data into their digital twin environments.

The Weather Company, an entity focused on weather data forecasting and insights, announced plans to integrate Earth-2 APIs to enhance their weather modeling products and services. This collaboration is intended to provide more accurate weather intelligence for enterprise clients and improve the overall understanding and simulation of weather impacts.

With Earth-2, Nvidia is not only offering a sophisticated tool for climate and weather prediction but is also contributing to the broader effort to combat climate change. The platform’s ability to deliver high-resolution simulations and forecasts in a timely manner presents a significant advancement in disaster preparedness and environmental analysis.

At the GTC 2024 conference, Nvidia also showcased other innovations such as the NIM software platform for streamlined AI deployment, and advancements in humanoid robotics with Project GR00T.

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Maxwell Nelson
Tech Journalist

Maxwell Nelson, a seasoned journalist and content strategist, has contributed to industry-leading platforms, weaving complex narratives into insightful articles that resonate with a broad readership.

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