Home PlayStation 5’s new update is going to give you better audio and new features

PlayStation 5’s new update is going to give you better audio and new features


  • The PlayStation 5's upcoming update will enhance DualSense controller audio with higher volume and improved noise cancellation, courtesy of new AI technology.
  • New Share Screen Interactions will allow viewers to use emoji reactions and pointers for more engaging watch parties.
  • An added quality-of-life feature lets users adjust the console’s power LED brightness to reduce distraction, offering Dim, Medium, and Bright settings.

We mentioned a few weeks back that Sony was rolling out a beta version of a new PlayStation 5 update to testers ahead of a launch to the full user base, and it seems we are now at that point.

The update that was tested extensively will roll out this later this month according to a blog post on the PlayStation site.

The main change happens to your DualSense controller with built-in mic and speaker audio enhancements with the device software being updated to improve the onboard sound features.

The update will do the following according to the notes:

  • Controller speaker enhancements. The controller speakers can now produce higher volume sound, allowing you to hear in-game sounds and voice chat audio more clearly.
  • Improved noise cancellation. The mic input quality on these controllers has been improved, courtesy of a new AI machine learning model. Background noise from button presses and game audio are suppressed, resulting in a better voice chat experience. Install the system software beta and update the controller device software to enjoy enhanced clarity of your voice chat audio when using the controller mic.
  • With this update, you may feel that the sounds coming from your controller speaker may sound louder. You can adjust the controller speaker volume from the control center.

As well as the audio improvements, changes are coming to Share Screen Interactions. Now you will be able to use emoji reactions and pointers to interact with what you are watching. 

Sony points out in its notes that this will be initially in a beta period:

  • Viewers can move a pointer around, send a ping or draw a line on the shared screen, allowing them to highlight certain objects or areas to guide the host player more accurately.
  • Viewers can send emoji-based reactions to the host’s screen to visually encourage and celebrate gameplay actions.
  • Note: this feature is available by default but can be turned off by the host in the Share Screen settings. Both the host and the viewer must be participating in the beta to use this feature during the beta period.

One final quality-of-life change in the update is that you can finally adjust the console’s power LED brightness so you don’t have to cover it with tape or put up with glaring away in the corner of your room at night. We now get three settings, Dim, Medium, and Bright (standard) flavors and these can be altered in the Beep and Light section of the Settings menu.

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Paul McNally
Gaming Editor

Paul McNally has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980. He has been a prominent games journalist since the 1990s, spending over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title published by IDG Media. Having spent time as Head of Communications at a professional sports club and working for high-profile charities such as the National Literacy Trust, he returned as Managing Editor in charge of large US-based technology websites in 2020. Paul has written high-end gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian PlayStation Magazine,…

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